
This document explains in detail all the configuration tokens you can use in buildozer.spec.

Section [app]

  • title: String, title of your application.

    It might be possible that some characters are not working depending on the targeted platform. It’s best to try and see if everything works as expected. Try to avoid too long titles, as they will also not fit in the title displayed under the icon.

  • package.name: String, package name.

    The Package name is one word with only ASCII characters and/or numbers. It should not contain any special characters. For example, if your application is named Flat Jewels, the package name can be flatjewels.

  • package.domain: String, package domain.

    Package domain is a string that references the company or individual that did the app. Both domain+name will become your application identifier for Android and iOS, choose it carefully. As an example, when the Kivy`s team is publishing an application, the domain starts with org.kivy.

  • source.dir: String, location of your application sources.

    The location must be a directory that contains a main.py file. It defaults to the directory where buildozer.spec is.

  • source.include_exts: List, file extensions to include.

    By default, not all files in your source.dir are included, but only some of them (py,png,jpg,kv,atlas), depending on the extension. Feel free to add your own extensions, or use an empty value if you want to include everything.

  • source.exclude_exts: List, file extensions to exclude.

    In contrary to source.include_exts, you could include all the files you want except the ones that end with an extension listed in this token. If empty, no files will be excluded based on their extensions.

  • source.exclude_dirs: List, directories to exclude.

    Same as source.exclude_exts, but for directories. You can exclude your tests and bin directory with:

    source.exclude_dirs = tests, bin
  • source.exclude_patterns: List, files to exclude if they match a pattern.

    If you have a more complex application layout, you might need a pattern to exclude files. It also works if you don’t have a pattern. For example:

    source.exclude_patterns = license,images/originals/*
  • version.regex: Regex, Regular expression to capture the version in version.filename.

    The default capture method of your application version is by grepping a line like this:

    __version__ = "1.0"

    The 1.0 will be used as a version.

  • version.filename: String, defaults to the main.py.

    File to use for capturing the version with version.regex.

  • version: String, manual application version.

    If you don’t want to capture the version, comment out both version.regex and version.filename, then put the version you want directly in the version token:

    # version.regex =
    # version.filename =
    version = 1.0
  • requirements: List, Python modules or extensions that your application requires.

    The requirements can be either a name of a recipe in the Python-for-android project, or a pure-Python package. For example, if your application requires Kivy and requests, you need to write:

    requirements = kivy,requests

    If your application tries to install a Python extension (ie, a Python package that requires compilation), and the extension doesn’t have a recipe associated to Python-for-android, it will not work. We explicitly disable the compilation here. If you want to make it work, contribute to the Python-for-android project by creating a recipe. See Contribute.

  • presplash.filename: String, loading screen of your application.

    Presplash is the image shown on the device during application loading. It is called presplash on Android, and Loading image on iOS. The image might have different requirements depending the platform. Currently, Buildozer works well only with Android, iOS support is not great on this.

    The image must be a JPG or PNG, preferable with Power-of-two size, e.g., a 512x512 image is perfect to target all the devices. The image is not fitted, scaled, or anything on the device. If you provide a too-large image, it might not fit on small screens.

  • icon.filename: String, icon of your application.

    The icon of your application. It must be a PNG of 512x512 size to be able to cover all the various platform requirements.

  • orientation: String, orientation of the application.

    Indicate the orientation that your application supports. Defaults to landscape, but can be changed to portrait or all.

  • fullscreen: Boolean, fullscreen mode.

    Defaults to true, your application will run in fullscreen. Means the status bar will be hidden. If you want to let the user access the status bar, hour, notifications, use 0 as a value.